A letter to my future-me.
Here’s a 13 reasons why you should be proud of yourself and be grateful of your life.
Right now, you may just turned a new life of 22 years old Graisa, and I’m gonna tell you what amazing things happened during your 21 years old (2016-2017).
1. You accepted as Trans TV’s Intern
Inget nggak how you very excited when it came to watch Trans TV back when you was a kid? Lo selalu mengidolakan seragam mereka, dan lo sangat percaya bahwa lo bisa berada di lingkungan tersebut. Well, you totally made it – for a while, well that’s still counted tho!
Di umur ini, lo akhirnya bisa mendapatkan apa yang lo pengenin. Lo bisa menjadi bagian dari mereka (ya walaupun nggak dapet seragamnya). Setelah letih perjuangan, lo akhirnya bisa keterima magang di sini. Lo bravely memilih magang while sebenernya lo udah nggak perlu magang, for the sake of your big dream get into the company!

Lo belajar sama orang-orang penting media, diterima dengan baik sama produser even kepala produksinya. Lo tau banget sekarang kerja jadi kreatif TV gimana, dan lo masih punya semangat untuk someday kerja jadi kreatif! Lo kenal dengan banyak artis, mengenal crew dengan baik, bahkan dekat sama host Dr Oz! Sst, katanya lo salah satu anak magang yang memorable buat mereka (walaupun annoying sih). Dan lo tetap menjalin hubungan baik dengan mereka hingga sekarang!
Lo juga berhasil mengabadikan banyak video di sini yang akhirnya lo upload di youtube, and you know what? Viewers nya melebihi dari yang lo prediksikan! But I’ll tell more about it later!!!
2. You finally done your proposal thesis defense with big A and compliment from your judges!
Setelah mengarungi jatuh bangun semester 7, bolak balik Trans TV dan kampus untuk bimbingan, kelas, ini itu, akhirnya lo bisa menyelesaikan sidang proposal lo dengan sangaaaaat baik. You made every inch of your words in proposal perfectly.
The panelis also said that they loved your detail of proposal. And guess what? You got a big A….while maybe not everyone get the same grade as you!

3. You created a great team for film production + met more amazing people
Seperti pilihan skripsi lo yaitu non-thesis, lo memutuskan untuk membuat film. I know lo sangat dikecewain dengan ide brilian lo itu ditolak gitu aja dengan thesis yang nggak ngerti apa-apa.
Well, you pushed yourself to the limit and created the best team you can do! And yessss, you made it. Lo ketemu sama orang baru – let say Raditio Permadi, Jazlyn Carrera, Sekar Dewanti, Dana Raditya, cast – cast lo yang luar biasa, yang benar – benar bisa menghidupkan cerita lo, membuat apa yang lo bayangkan benar – benar hidup.

Then, ada Founna Citra, Fanny, Milka, Krista, dan Throva. Orang – orang di balik layar yang dengan tulus dan ikhlas membantu project lo. Lo benar – benar menjadikan mereka, mendirect mereka seperti apa yang lo mau. As a team.
And finally, Jojo dan Charles yang tau semua kekurangan lo dan berusaha keep stand by your side.
Wondering bahwa fondasi membuat film adalah tim yang utama, well you kicked it!
4. You made a very satisfying film and the biggest production you ever made
Setelah lo menemukan tim yang very fit with your style, lo (dan Jojo & Charles) benar – benar merencanakan film dengan matang. Ini pertama kalinya lo literally menyiapkan segaal pre-produksi sebuah film dengan matang. Lo buat breakdown property dan wadrobe secara sempurna, lo membuat skrip yang….ya okelah.

Tim lo benar – benar memuaskan, Jojo berperan sangat keren dalam menata kamera. Charles bertindak sangat perfektif sebagai Produser. Lo menyelesaikan segala perizinan, test shot, each mettings, reading time, blocking time, sampai shooting dengan sangat professional. You really showed yourself that you belong in this industry.
5. You joined an amazing film community and met a great people!
Lo menemukan diri lo perlu menggali lebih daripada sekedar membuat film, lalu lo memutuskan untuk join komunitas film yang ternyata komunitas ini later diakui oleh banyak ikon perfilman, lo banyak belajar bagaimana cara me-review film dengan benar.
Dan yang menarik adalah lo accidentally memutuskan untuk blind date dengan salah satu anggotanya. Real funny and quite memorable!! A smart guy with good taste at choosing movie and writing. I belive you are still up to him as friend!
Setelah along 2015 lo mengenal komunitas seni, you prove yourself that yes you belong to movie industry baby!
6. You finally running your youtube account and it’s affected more people
After a long break and confusing, lo akhirnya memutuskan untuk don’t care with anything and just go with it. Lo memulai untuk menumpahkan ide-ide lo ke youtube. Lo membuat apa yang lo udah rencanain dari lama.
Dengan masukan dari Charles, lo mulai belajar untuk menjadi lebih baik di setiap video lo. Lo mulai mencari banyak referensi dari video luar negeri, dan lo sudah membuat plan sangat banyak untuk youtube lo.
Yang perlu lo banggakan adalah bahwa lo melihat youtube bukan sebagai media sumber pemasukan, tapi lo still focus untuk membuat suatu hiburan yang bermanfaat buat orang. Do you still remember that feeling hunny?
Dan as I said before, one of the video – The Trans TV one, affected more people than you expected. Reached more than 1K viewers, and tons of people asked you about your experience. Later in Auguts 17th you created a video that AT LEAST can be a memorable thing to your company. Ugh, someone seems did such an right job.

WAIT WHAT? Company? Yes! Let’s jump to the next one!
7. You jumped to your first professional job with [quite good] salary!
AIGHT!!! Setelah 3 bulan magang di Trans TV, lo pikir lo akan menghabiskan waktu sampai wisuda untuk senang-senang, santai, dan liburan. But, kid, you are Leo and Leo born not to do that! So, yeah, you started send your cv to anywhereee, because you started insecure with your pengangguran moment ini.
After a while, you got an offer by one of start up property company called Travelio. You should remember how it felt. The first time you literally get a first professional job. Lo mengerti rasanya mendapatkan uang sendiri, rasanya punya tunjangan BPJS, dan gaji ketiga belas. Lo menutup tahun dengan mensyukuri gaji pertama lo dan menjadikan akhir 2016 yang sempurna.

Pekerjaan yang sangat menyenangkan, dikelilingi orang –orang yang seru. Merasakan naik turunnya perusahaan. Mengenal berbagai macam cerita dan masa lalu orang. But, you learnt a lot from this company. This company is one of your history, the one who made you right now!
8. You are an amazing person as you finish your thesis and having a full time job at the same time
YASH! Setelah sekian lama lo bolak – balik syuting, retake, ngerjain skripsi pulang kerja, direvisi berkali kali akhirnya lo berhasil menyelesaikannya sampe itu skripsi masuk ke thesis department.
Dan you know how you did it? Yes. You spent 8am-6pm working and 6pm-11pm doing your thesis. Still not good enough for you? Cool. At 11 pm-12 pm you usually thinking about some additional task at work. That’s it? You wish, you usually spend your whole Saturday by discussed some movies or practice for your defense with your teammate! YOU WAS COOL KID!

9. You got a new potential path for you master’s degree – even before you graduate!
One day, someone gave you a call introduced himself as an education consultant in representative for USA embassy offered to giving you a hand of your master registration!!! Yes yes yes! One step ahead.
After all the meetings, he presented how he has a wide networking and you are on the right track to LA! SCAD, Columbia, USC, and UCLA may on the list. Keep calm and pray on.
10. You got an offers from one of huge start up and a call from TV company (even before you graduate)
Semakin hari lo semakin merasa bahwa lo merasa kurang dalam hal salary, mungkin karena tekanan dari lingkungan lo aja. Idealis lo mulai terganggu. Akhirnya lo gatel mulai cari-cari pekerjaan lain yang selain dalam hal salary, mungkin bidang entertainment seperti yang lo suka.
Nggak berapa lama, tawaran mulai berdatangan. Mulai dari kreatif di stasiun TV, position menarik di salah satu startup terbesar, dan salah satu perusahaan retail besar yang kantornya di pusat bisnis. Mungkin lo lupa, tapi biarkan gue ingatkan bahwa di titik ini lo sangat merasa di berkahi oleh Allah. DAN TOLONG jangan lupakan momen ini. Masih berani ngeluh while other people may still seeking a job and you got that’s big offers?!
11. You got promotion to next stage at work because you are awesome!
After spend 9 months at Travelio and all your hesitation, the founder called you and offered you to the marketing position which you able to expand your skills on promotion and video making. Don’t you see a good thing on this? You are just 9 months employee and you HAVEN’T GRADUAT….YOU HAVEN’T finish your defense yet!
This is the point you thought you very grateful and thank God for everything. You know you are surrounded by positive and very supportive people and don’t you dare forget this moment.
12. You finally get into a multinational company with fantastic salaries!
Afterrrrrr all and looooonggg considerations, you chose to start your new life with new company. You chose the big startup because you know this can be a new and big path to get your long term dream-DISNEY! Despite the position, you also get a fantastic salaries and allowance stuff thattttt might blow frehmen mind! Eh…you know you still haven’t graduate yet right?
13. You are surrounded with a bunch of amazing people you ever had
After all the amazing things you got along this year, one thing you know. You cannot be here, be in this position without amazing people surrounds you.
You have a perfect parents and brothers that always poured all their supports to you.
You’ve got a amazing roommate – which is your cousin that always listened to your complains and dreams
A unbeatable boyfriend that he said – always prayed for you
A marvelous bestfriends who neverrr everrr leave you even in your lowest level!
This post was not created to show off of what you did, this is purely a reminder whenever you feel down, you think you have no chance to move on, you think this is time to give up. Keep your chin up, and remind back how struggled have you been thru, and how God always helped you out! And you know, you always kicked in.
You showed yourself to be a mature girl, who understand everything better, to dedicate yourself as a citizen of the world rather than only focusing on your contry, you know you can change the world and you won’t stop until you make it. You are a big girl who deserves to be happy, to be appreciate, and to be proud of yourself.
Enjoy your 22 and more years ahead!

Salam Hombimba,